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Ultimate Panama Resource

Looking For Health Insurance?

He has been advising clients on health insurance for over 45 years. He studied Insurance Administration at the University of Texas (B.B.A. 1974), followed by a Master’s in Economics from the London School of Economics (M.Sc. 1976). Back in Panama, he worked for several years with Mutual and United of Omaha, my family's insurance brokerage firm, moved to the US and spent five years working in Seattle and Vancouver. Returned to Panama in 1992, and headed two multinational insurance companies.  Now I use all that experience to advise and find solutions to the needs of my clients who seek the best possible "value for money" insurance protection to face serious and unexpected losses and medical expenses.

Your Health Protection Specialists

Panama Residency andRelocation Conference - Health Insurance - Gonzalo and Patti

Please submit the form below and we will get in touch. We normally respond within 2 business days.

Advantages of Health Protection

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Health Insurance - Standard Premiums

Standard Premiums

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Health Risk Assessment

Flexible Risk Assessment

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Guaranteed Renewal

Guaranteed Renewal

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Health Insurance - Old Age

Up To 90 Years Of Age

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Health Insurance - Performance based renewals

Renewal Fees Based On Performance

Panama Residency and Relocation Conference - Health Insurance - Support

Attention And Support By ADG Seguros

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